Legal Awards Grieve Law

Criminal Defense Attorney in Milwaukee Area Receives Highest Honors and Awards from Attorney Rating Organizations and Industry Publications

Milwaukee criminal defense attorneys, Tom Grieve and Amy Scholz, have received numerous awards and honors for their outstanding criminal defense work. Tom and Amy have earned an impressive reputation for getting misdemeanor and felony charges dropped or reduced. Our criminal defense law firm in Milwaukee area is highly respected, both within the industry and within our local communities. Grieve and Scholz are recognized among the very best criminal defense lawyers in Milwaukee, Madison and Wisconsin. Some recent honors and awards they've earned include:



Whether you have been charged with a DUI in Milwaukee or drug possession in Waukesha, turn to our Milwaukee criminal defense law firm. As a criminal defense law firm in the Milwaukee area we have legal experience in cases of drunk driving, drugs, domestic violence, sexual assault, firearms and homicides/manslaughter. Tom Grieve and Amy Scholz are the attorneys best known for getting charges reduced or dropped entirely.

Contact the criminal defense lawyers Milwaukee and surrounding areas trust for strategic defenses and winning results. Schedule your FREE legal consultation right now.