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Possession of Gabapentin Wisconsin Fines, Penalties, & Dealing Consequences

Wisconsin drug laws state that illegal possession of or possession with an intent to distribute prescription drugs such as Gabapentin could result in a Class H felony, which is a fine of up to $10,000, a prison term up to 6 years or both, but the specific penalties and classifications depend up the circumstances.

Gabapentin Charges & your record How to beat Gabapentin Charges Payment plans

Gabapentin Drug Charges: best possible outcomes

Gabapentin (most known brand names: Horizant and Neurontin) is a prescription drug used for treating epilepsy and chronic pain. It is also widely abused as a pain killer. If you've been charged with possession of or intent to distribute gabapentin, experienced representation in the courtroom is your best option. The criminal defense lawyers at Grieve law have years of experience getting drug charges reduced or dropped. Call today for a free consultation of your drug case. Grieve Law handles all areas of criminal law, including drunk driving charges and firearm possession. Learn more about the OWI consequences for Wisconsin.

Contact Grieve Law in Milwaukee, WI for a free consultation of your gabapentin possession or intent to distribute case today.

In Wisconsin, how long does a Gabapentin charge stay on your record?

It could be difficult to get Gabapentin charges removed from your record in Wisconsin, even if you're not convicted and facing penalties of up to 6 years or $10,000.

How to beat a Gabapentin charge

3 ways to fight Gabapentin possession charges:

1. Provide evidence there was an unlawful search and seizure

If your 4th amendment rights were violated in the process of receiving your charges/ during your arrest, your chances of beating your case drastically improve. If the controlled substance in question was visible in “plain view”, however, it may be seized and used as evidence.

2. Prove the Gabapentin doesn’t belong to you.

A common defense to almost any criminal charge is to claim you didn’t do it. An experienced criminal defense attorney would be able to pressure the prosecutor to prove the Gabapentin found actually belongs to their client.

3. Verify the arresting officer lacked probable cause for the charges/arrest.

If you were stopped by an officer for no reason and the stop resulted in a possession charge, this is likely unlawful and unjustified. Ask yourself, did the officer have a lawful reason to stop me? If your answer is no, your chances of winning your Gabapentin possession charge increase.


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