The penalty for concealing a gun without a permit in Mequon, WI can include a maximum fine of $10,000, 9 months in prison, or both. A felon who is convicted of concealing a gun without a permit can face up to a $25,000 fine, 10 years in prison, or both.
Even if you have a legally obtained concealed carry license, and even with no prior convictions, you may still face criminal charges for carrying a concealed weapon in Wisconsin. Certain areas and buildings such as schools, bars, and municipal buildings ban the use of concealed carry, and ignoring these bans can result in a Class A misdemeanor with 9 months in prison, a $10,000 fine, or both.
If you are facing gun or weapons charges in Mequon, call Grieve Law's criminal defense attorneys at (262) 765-5381 for a free case consultation.